In A Blind World The One Eye Man Is King
37″ X 35″ X 10″
Wood, aluminum louvers
“Dans le royaume des aveugles, les borgnes sont rois.”
Say it in English, say it in French, people just love to show off.This work shows the grimace of a smile, and the confident “wink” of knowing one has “the edge” over the other.
But then soon after, it is the turn of the other to wink and smile.
Neither is aware that he is being ridiculed. Each one thinks he is “on top”.
Talk about dramatic irony, when the viewer, through the “third eye”,
sees clearly, the fickleness of competition and comparison.
Who really wins?
When will we learn to share our talent for each other’s benefit?
When do we open our eyes…
and see our need to “give” that which we have so freely “received”.